Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vocab Review #4

Displacement Mapping-graphing technique which moves points over a textured surface to create depth and detail
Bump mapping-computer technique which creates bumps and wrinkles on objects
Rendering-this process generates a final image from a model
Alpha Channel-mask that determines how pixel colors should merge with another when they are layered
NURBS vs Polygon-nurbs is a mathematical model for generating curves and surfaces, while polygons are used to generate three dimensional looking items. Nurbs are more technical, and polygons more flexible
Tiling-this process subdivides images in a graph 
Skinning-writing or applying graphical appearance to change look and feel of a website or software
Aperture-lens opening on a camera which control how much light enters and film is exposed to
Shutter Speed-how long a shutter on camera is open
Focal length-space between center of camera lens and the focus
Dolly-creates smooth camera movements by providing a shooting platform with wheels

Pan-when the camera moves perpendicular to the direction it is pointed, and this direction does not change.

Roll Aspect Ratio-ratio of size to dimension or vertical vs horizontal

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