Analogous Colors-colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and match, these combinations are seen in nature, for example: orange and red.
Complementary Colors-colors such as red and green are opposite of each other on the color wheel and contrast each other in a complementary way
Primary Colors-they are the basic colors which cannot come from being mixed by other colors:Red, Yellow and Blue. When mixed, they yield the secondary and latter colors such as purple and so on.
Secondary Colors-when two of the primary colors are mixed, secondary colors such as green are created.
Tertiary Colors-Tertiary colors are made through mixing primary and secondary colors, and include:
red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet
Asymmetry-When something is not identical across an axis or on both sides it lacks symmetry.
Symmetry-When something is the same on both sides or across an axis, it is symmetrical, like the above comparison drawing.
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