Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vocab Review #3

Rhythm-a visual pattern caused by repetition or movement of objects in a composition

Directional Movement-creates flow to lead the viewer's eye from one part of a composition to another and create interest

Proportion/Scale-allows for comparison of objects and also the ratios of real life can be used for still life drawing and other art to recreate an image in a realistic sense

Balance-creates harmony in a composition and prevents some areas from being too crowded or dark and washes out other parts.

Unity-this is achieved when all parts of an artwork combine together to create a visually pleasing whole.

Harmony-when all components of an artwork complement each other and are balanced

Emphasis (Focal Point/Center of interest)-the main subject of an artwork such as the person or the item which directional movement leads to and which is usually larger, darker or more detailed part

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